
Home > Electrical & Home Appliances > How To Maintain A Washing Machine, 10 Tips To Ensure The Appliance Works Better!

How To Maintain A Washing Machine, 10 Tips To Ensure The Appliance Works Better!

Learn how to maintain your washing machine effortlessly with our expert tips. From deep cleaning and rubber gasket care to detergent selection and more, ensure your appliance stays efficient and lasts longer. Read on for simple steps to keep your washing machine running smoothly!

November 20, 2023

A washing machine eases one of the most tedious tasks of everyday life, yes, washing our clothes! From everyday wear tees, and pants to heavier clothes and furnishings like towels, bed linens, and curtains; washing machines have made our lives easier. That’s why it is so important to keep your washing machine in good condition!

Maintaining the washing machine at regular intervals will ensure they last longer and keeping them in good condition is no difficult task at all. We have listed below some maintenance tips for washing machines that will come in handy to keep yours in top form:

Some maintenance tips for washing machines are listed:

Deep Clean the Machine

Don’t expect the washing machine to work at its finest all the time. The appliance may lose its efficiency after a few years. You may notice the clothes may not be cleaned as you expect it to be. The prime reason could be the scaling issue that appears due to the micro-residuals occurrence in the water, especially in the areas with hard water supply. 

To avoid this common issue, make sure to deep clean the washing machine at least once a month. Modern washing machines give the automatic indication of deep cleaning the tub signal with a button attached to the panel on a timely basis. Always use a machine-friendly cleaner to remove the scaling and avoid damaging the metal and plastic components of the machine.

Clean the Rubber Basket

A rubber gasket is an important component of the washing machine which goes through a daily wear and tear process. It essentially wraps the edge washer and dryer system and protects the clothes from any sort of damage. It is exposed to the dust particles that gather at the sides and edges of the rubber gasket.

Since it is located on the outside of the tub, it remains unclean out of pure ignorance. To ensure the machine remains clean, make sure to clean the rubber gasket with a damp cloth for at least two weeks.

Clean the Detergent Dispensers 

Automatic washing machines include separate detergent dispenses or containers. The machine automatically mixes the detergent or fabric softeners with water and gets poured into the washing tub.

The prolonged usage of these dispensers, if not cleaned, can build up bacteria and toxic elements. It builds up a transparent or green texture that has a grimy touch to it. And if you wash the clothes without cleaning the detergent container, the clothes may not get properly cleaned. That’s why you should clean the detergent dispenser regularly.

Select the Right Detergent 

Whether you choose a regular detergent or machine-specific detergent; the choice is yours. The only thing you must consider is that the detergent you select should not be harsh or include heavy alkaline as it can damage both the washing machine and clothes. That’s why I always select good quality washing detergent!

Washing Machine Cleaning

Avoid Detergent Spillage 

Washing machines also gather residues from detergent spillage. Despite your efforts to use the best detergents or softeners in the market, their residue becomes sticky over time and starts to smell bad. The best way to clean this sticky residue is to wipe it with a mild dishwashing cleaner. Also, do not forget to clean the inside of the drum with a damp cloth as it also builds lint, detergent, and dirt residue over time.

Washing machines often gather the remnants of the detergent spillage. The same becomes sticky after a few days and smells bad 

Clean the Filter 

Lint filters are located within the washing tubs of semi-automatic washing machines. With the help of this filter, lint and other filth fragments are removed from the washing process and collected in bags. This filter also needs to be cleaned periodically. This is because once the filter is full, it is unable to capture the debris, which will still be present in the water. Your clothing will become caught in this dirt, and it will also accumulate within the washing machine. 

As a result, the machine's performance will suffer and its life will be shortened unexpectedly. The pulsator or agitator may also sustain major damage in some severe circumstances. You didn't think that such a little item would end up costing you so much, right? As a result, begin changing the machine filter at least once every month.

Check the Hoses 

You should pay attention to the machine's hoses to ensure a smooth flow of water into and out of it. Three hoses, two of which are inlets and one of which is an outlet, are present on both semi-automatic and automated washing machines. Verify that the inlets are securely attached to the water supply and are free of leaks and cracks. Additionally, this will stop water from being wasted. 

Additionally, remember to periodically check the state of the drain or outlet line. Lint and microscopic fabric particles frequently accumulate in the drain filter and clog the pipe because it removes the dirty water. If this happens, try calling an Urban Company experienced technician to clear the obstruction or entirely replace the drain line with a new one.

Protect the Finish 

Appliances that are brand new and spotless improve the appeal of your home. An outdated washing machine, however, typically looks bad and may even ruin the appearance of the space or home. Some people disregard this fact and neglect to clean the machine's top or exterior. The most affected are front-loading washing machines. They attract various items that keep accumulating on them due to their plain top surface.

People often overlook the fact that washing machines, despite being large pieces of machinery, are delicate and need to be properly maintained to maintain both their functionality and appearance. Simple techniques can keep a machine appearing brand new.

To avoid harming the washing machine finish, use a glass cleaner to clean the top and sides of your machine. Maintaining the finish that was already installed is the greatest approach to keeping your machine looking good for a long time. Additionally, avoid placing anything heavy on top of the machine and keep it covered when not in use. By doing this, scratches won't form.

Keep the Door Open 

After using your washing machine, don't shut the door right away. One of the main mistakes that most users make is - they believe that leaving the door open will cause dust and debris to gather within the machine. This is partially accurate, but it doesn't imply you have to close it right away. The moisture is removed and the growth of mold and bacteria in your machine is prevented by leaving the door open for 15 to 30 minutes. 

Additionally, this thoroughly dries the tub and guards delicate components from damage brought on by dampness. Wipe it off with a thick, dry cloth 15–30 minutes after the washing is finished and any remaining moisture has begun to dry considerably to make sure there is no moisture within.

Use Machine Carefully 

Despite its large washing capacity and strong motor, the washing machine is still a delicate piece of machinery. Careful use and maintenance are required. You shouldn't jam clothing into the washing machine. 

If you put in more than the advised number of items, the machine won't rotate properly, which will affect the drum's circular motion. You will be forced to wear unfinished laundry. Additionally, it can harm your machine's motor.

If you wish to get the most out of your machine?  Follow the manual's directions and load the item with the appropriate amount of clothing. Contact your company's customer service if you have any questions.

Also Read: Washing Machine Buying Guide: Essential Factors To Know For Selecting The Best One!

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