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10 Key Accessories For Kitchen Storage And Organisation

Transform Your Small Kitchen with Smart Storage: Discover essential kitchen accessories to maximize space and keep things organized – cupboard hooks, pegboards, magnetic strips, and more!

August 07, 2023

One of the major challenges small or compact kitchens face is the lack of storage space. That means, the kitchen can get easily cluttered and make it even more difficult to prepare food and dishes. If you too face similar issues pertaining to a smaller kitchen, then you simply need to learn the art of storage and organization. For that, you need to invest in some key kitchen accessories that allow for making the most of your kitchen space!

Here’s a list of useful accessories that can make your kitchen look sorted and functional:

Useful accessories that can make your kitchen look sorted

Cupboard Hooks

The inside of the kitchen cabinets is a common place to add hooks to hang small or everyday items like mugs, tea cups, measuring spoons, etc. You can even hang a chalkboard or whiteboard on the inside of the cupboard for writing kitchen notes.

Extra Shelves

Extra Shelves

For a small kitchen with limited cabinet space, adding extra shelves or a jar rack or saucer rack on top of the existing shelves make a smart solution. This reliable surface is best to keep mugs, glasses, plates, cans, etc. With this arrangement, a compact kitchen can appear tidier and allow the homeowner to find or access things as and when required!



Pegboards make a practical solution to organize and store weighty or awkward kitchen objects that you may use on a daily basis i.e.rolling pin, can opener, etc. Add a pegboard to the kitchen wall, paint it in the preferred color, and add hooks to the holes and keep objects on display, simple and effective!

Hanging Racks

Hanging Racks

Display your pots and pans on hanging racks. This allows for saving a lot of space on the kitchen countertop and already-filled cabinets. Plus, you can display attractive pans on display which can add to the aesthetics of the kitchen!

Magnetic Knife Strip

Magnetic Knife Strip

One of the safest ways to store the sharp chives is to display them on a magnetic knife strip. It saves you from hurting yourself while searching for knives in drawers. What’s more? The blades of the knives will remain sharper as they will not get into contact with other objects in the kitchen drawer. Plus, by showcasing knives of different dimensions and styles, your kitchen backsplash can have a flared-up look and appeal!

Magnetic Spice Jars

Magnetic Spice Jars

Spice jars can take up a whole space on the countertops. You can simply opt for fun DIY activity by creating spice jars from old tins and containers. Ideally, use metal pots with glass lids and stick magnets at the bottom of each jar. Now, simply add them on a metal panel added to the wall and create a funky spice rack solution!

Under Sink Shelves and Baskets

Under Sink Shelves and Baskets

Under-sink cabinets are hardly attached to shelves and end up being either vacant or disorganized. Add shelves inside the cupboards to store the necessary cleaning supplies. You can even add a detergent holder rack or shelves attached to small wicker baskets to store cleaners, sponges, and brushes in a segregated manner. Add small hooks to hang cleaning gloves, tea towels, rag cloth, etc.

Storage Trolleys

It is not necessary to choose only bigger size storage trolleys to organize the kitchen essentials. You can add smaller, circular or rotating kitchen trolly to keep regular spices, cooking oils, containers, and other utensils. You can move them around as per your ease and requirements and keep them in the corner or nestle them in one of the under-countertop cabinets.

Folding Table

In case you do not have a full-size kitchen or dining table, then simply invest in wall-mounted, folded tables for saving a lot of space in the compact kitchen space. These functional and smart furniture choices make an ideal surface to eat, prepare food or even complete your study or office work!

Jar Labels

Jar Labels

It is common to get confused over which jar holds what food items in the kitchen. The best way to avoid such confusion is to follow a labeling system and add an organized and sorted look to the kitchen. From storage jars, food items, meat, pots, and utensils to leftover dishes; you can add a label on the storage container and find what you need pretty easily!

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide To Choose The Perfect Kitchen Hardware

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